Sony RX1 RII

RGB Camera

The Sony RX1 RII meets the highest demands for RGB image quality and resolution in everyday surveying and monitoring applications, especially in the mining, civil survey, and agriculture sector. With its resolution of 42.4 megapixels, the Sony RX1 RII is ideal for all applications where the highest requirements are placed on the images. The output possibilities vary from precise data sets like digital ortho photos (DOP), digital terrain models (DTM), digital surface models (DSM), high-resolution point clouds and detailed 3D models.

Sample Data

Camera options

Other camera payloads.
RGB Camera

Sony UMC-R10C

Oblique Camera

Oblique D2M

LiDAR Scanner

Qube 240

RGB and Multispectral

MicaSense RedEdge-P

RGB, Multispectral and Thermal

MicaSense Altum-PT

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